
maša vukanović

Maša Vukanović was born in 1975 in Belgrade. She graduated and earned her master’s degree from the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. In 2013, she defended her doctoral dissertation titled “Cultural Policy in Serbia – An Anthropological Perspective”. Since 2002, she has worked as a researcher at the The Institute for Cultural Development Research, currently holding the position of Senior Research Associate in Cultural Development.

Her main research interests include cultural heritage (both tangible and intangible), cultural participation, amateurism in culture and the arts, the anthropology of law, and the anthropology of childhood.

She is involved in the development of the information system for monitoring the work of museums in Serbia. Additionally, she participates in activities related to the implementation of the UNESCO 2005 “Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions”, as well as in preparing reports on the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals that include culture.

She is the author of three and co-author of another three monographic studies focused on issues of cultural legislation, cultural and artistic amateurism, and the protection of cultural heritage, as well as studies on cultural participation in childhood. She has published over 20 papers independently and in co-authorship in scientific journals and conference proceedings.

Maša is a member of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee of the World Music Association of Serbia, where she is engaged in activities to improve the implementation of the UNESCO 2003 “Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage” in Serbia. She is also a member of ICOM (International Council of Museums) and SIEF (Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore).

She occasionally works on documentary and ethnological films.


🔗 The Institute for Cultural Development Research


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