od strane Ring Ring | 25.12.2021.
Povodom jubileja uglednog beogradskog festivala Ring Ring, diskografska kuća Multimedia Music objavila je reprezentativni kompilacijski album „Ring Ring, 25 godina – domaći autori”.
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Najstariji postojeći domaći festival alternativne muzike Ring Ring je krajem prošle godine pred odanu publiku izneo svoje dvadesetpeto izdanje. Time je ujedno počelo i obeležavanje 25 godina postojanja festivala, tokom kojih je održano više od 300 koncerata umetnika sa svih kontinenata.
No, festival je oduvek bio mesto na kojem su domaći autori imali priliku da prikažu svoju kreativnost, aktuelne projekte, saradnje sa muzičarima iz sveta. Spisak domaćih umetnika koji su nastupali na festivalu je popriličan, tako da na ovom kompilacijskom albumu, kojim se obeležava jubilej, nije bilo moguće smestiti ni deseti deo onoga što je festival predstavio publici na koncertima u Beogradu.
Kada se 1996, u ovo isto doba godine, rodila ideja organizovanja festivala alternativne muzike, bilo je potrebno manje vremena za realizaciju nego što je trajala priprema diska koji obeležava jubilej. Prema rečima Bojana Đorđevića, osnivača i umetničkog direktora festivala – jedan od težih zadataka je bio da se u manje od 80 minuta „spakuje” toliko značajnih nastupa, neobičnih projekata, svetskih premijera.
Na albumu se nalazi 12 kompozicija. Među njima je i snimak sa prvog koncerta, održanog 22. maja 1996, na kojem su nastupili Erne Kiralj, Kris Katler i Stevan Kovač Tikmajer, ali i kompozicija Tijane Stanković i Ane Kravanje, izvedena na najnovijem, 25. festivalu, 28. novembra 2021.
Kompakt disk „Ring Ring, 25 godina – domaći autori” otvara snimak dela koncerta novosadske pijanistkinje Marine Džukljev i mađarskog perkusioniste Arona Portelekija, što je bila svetska premijera. Na albumu se nalazi još nekoliko snimaka projekata koji su prvi put izvedeni na festivalu. Dva takva se odnose na međunarodne projekte pevačice Svetlane Spajić: Metamorphic Orchestra, kao i saradnja sa svetski poznatim avangardnim orkestrom Zeitkratzer.
Od domaćih džez stvaralaca, na albumu je zastupljen najplodniji i najobjavljivaniji stvaralac Silard Mezei, kao i grupe Fish in Oil i Dragon’s Fuel.
Članovi zrenjaninskog dua Blank Disc su predstavljeni i sa svojom kompozicijom, ali i u sklopu velikog međunarodnog projekta Šalter Ensemble. Subotički Neuroleptic trio je ponudio deo svog koncertnog nastupa na festivalu, a živi snimak je i premijerno izvođenje kompozicije Svetlane Maraš, koju su u sali Beogradske filharmonije odsvirali Branko Džinović i Aleksandar Latković.
Kompilacija „Ring Ring, 25 godina – domaći autori” daje odličan presek uzbudljive domaće scene i nakon više od dve decenije (krajem devedesetih je B92 objavio tri kompilacije muzike sa festivala održanih ’96, ’97. i ’99) vraća muziku sa festivala u domaće CD prodavnice.
Album je objavljen zahvaljujući podršci Fonda za kulturna davanja pri SOKOJ-u. Dostupan je na svim prodajnim mestima Multimedia Music, onlajn, kao i na svim relevantnim muzičkim platformama.
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🔗 Detaljni uvid u CD „Ring Ring, 25 godina – Domaći autori”
🔗 CD „Ring Ring, 25 godina – Domaći autori” (YouTube Music)
od strane Marija Vitas | 21.12.2021.
Povodom 25 godina postojanja festivala Ring Ring, izdavačka kuća Multimedia Music je 21. decembra 2021. godine, u saradnji sa Udruženjem Ring Ring, objavila kompilacijsko audio-izdanje Ring Ring, 25 godina – domaći autori.
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(liner notes by Bojan Đorđević)
1. Marina Džukljev & Áron Porteleki – Wonder Marks (excerpt)
(Marina Džukljev & Áron Porteleki)
Marina Džukljev – piano
Áron Porteleki – drums, viola
This duo performed together for the first time at the Ring Ring festival in May 2018, at the Students Cultural Center. Both Džukljev from Serbia and Porteleki from Hungary performed several times at the festival with different projects and will be on the festival stage again. They are the future of European improvised music. Marina is a pianist, educator and active performer in the fields of free improvisation, contemporary classical and applied music. She collaborates with a wide range of multimedia artists across Europe. On the other side, bright young face of Hungarian new and improvised music scene Áron is member of half a dozen bands. How many musicians do you know that play drums as well as viola?
We are gratefull to Založba Klopotec and Iztok Zupan for the right to use this excerpt from the CD Wonder Marks on our compilation.
2. Király Ernő / Chris Cutler/ Stevan Kovač Tickmayer – Trigonom
(Király / Cutler / Tickmayer)
Király Ernő – zitherphone
Chris Cutler – drums
Stevan Kovač Tickmayer – piano
This was recorded in May 1996 at the opening concert of the first Ring Ring festival. Király, an outstanding composer and performer, was a unique artist in contemporary music circles in Yugoslavia, but not discovered elsewhere. Tickmayer, on the other hand, already started his international career a decade before as a performer and composer. He introduced Király’s music to Cutler, great drummer and the founder of the Recommended Records. Cutler than asked for more music and ReR released an album of the great composer. Knowing that the festival is the place for old and young artists from Serbia, but also with desire to give respect to all three, the offer was made – Would you meet in Belgrade for the first time as a trio and perform at the festival? No wonder, it was immediate: YES.
We are grateful to Fond B92 for the right to use this excerpt on this compilation. It has been originally released by Radio B92 on the live album Ring Ring 96.
3. Šalter ensemble – The Šalter
(Robert Rozsa)
Robert Rozsa – electronics
Irena Tomažin – voice
Marina Džukljev – piano
Tena Novak Vincek – violin
Srđan Muc – guitar
Jonas Kocher – accordion
Nenad Kovačić – percussion
Tomaž Grom – double bass
Bertrand Denzler – saxophone
Julien Megroz – percussion
Roko Crnić – electric bass
Samo Kutin – hurdy-gurdy
Initiative of Swiss accordion player & composer Jonas Kocher to bring together artists from the Balkans and Switzerland has resulted in many workshops, festivals, collaborations in the period of last 15 years. This one – Šalter ensemble was a joint venture of four associations and festivals in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Switzerland and of 12 artists from five countries. All of them took part in the preparation, performances and the recording. Good news: they are preparing the new program!
We are gratefull to Zavod Sploh for the right to use this composition from an album Štiri dela.
4. Dragon’s Fuel – Turbo Fuelk
(M. Čurčić & L. Kovač)
Vojislav Savkov – tenor & soprano sax
Predrag Okiljević – tenor sax
Marko Čurčić – bass
Lav Kovač – drums
The Novi Sad based quartet (since 2020 they are quintet) was a new name on the local jazz scene when they performed at the festival for the first time, 2018 and most of them were in their twenties at the time. But, their dedication to creative music and live performances brought them to many stages. They released three albums so far, all for their independent label Horz. The song on this CD was taken from their second album Oranges (2019) and we are grateful to Horz for the right to use the song here.
5. Fish in Oil – Odakle ti pravo?
(Bratislav Radovanović)
Bratislav Radovanović – guitar
Branislav Radojković – bass guitar
Dušan Petrović – saxophone
Tom Feđa Franklin – drums
Veljko Nikolić (Papa Nik) – percussion
The only fully Belgrade band on this album, Fish in Oil is the story of creativity, patience and friendship. The band created by painter, composer and guitar player Braca Radovanović has existed for 28 years. The story started in Priština with different line-up, but over the last 10+ years the band has not changed members and the results are evident. They have released 4 albums during that period and played many festivals and club show in the region. THe new album is coming out in March 2022. Is it jazz or rock or downtown NY in Belgrade?
The song Odakle ti pravo? has not been released before.
6. Ana Kravanja & Tijana Stanković – 11-7-12
(Tijana Stanković / Ana Kravanja)
Ana Kravanja – violin, voice
Tijana Stanković – violin, voice, kazoo
These two ladies are the example of many fruitful collaborations between musicians from Slovenia and Serbia. As creative musicians they are individually involved in many separate projects like the band Širom and Kačis (Ana) or Svetlana Spajić Group and Lenhart Tapes (Tijana), but here they stand next to each other, using the same instrument(s) and creating magic, like they did on the festival’s 25th edition in November 2021. They met for the first time at the workshop in Budapest, started to work together, using every opportunity to improvise together. The song is taken from their self-released debut trkam kličem odganjam / kucam dozivam teram with their permission.
7. Mezei Szilárd trio – Elég
(Mezei Szilárd)
Szilárd Mezei – viola
Róbert Benkő – double bass
Tamás Geröly – drums
This recording is from the trio’s performance at the Ring Ring festival in May 2002 and has never been released before. It was the first time that Szilárd performed at the festival and we had great opportunity to host his concerts in different line-ups on several further festival editions. Szilárd Mezei (living in Senta, Serbia) is by far the most fruitful composer and improviser from Serbia. As a leader he has 54 albums released on labels such as FMR, Leo, Klopotec, Odradek, Slam… But, this is not overproduction! To make sure – just check out his music. On this recording he is with the two great improvisers from Hungary who are both very busy playing in many different groups.
8. Svetlana Spajić / Dragana Tomić / Obrad Milić & zeitkratzer – King Peter Song
(music: trad / text: S. Spajić / arr: zeitkratzer & S. Spajić)
Svetlana Spajić – vocal
Dragana Tomić – vocal
Obrad Milić – diple, gusle
Frank Gratkowski – bass clarinet, clarinet
Hild Sofje Tafjord – french horn
Hilary Jeffery – trombone
Reinhold Friedl – piano
Maurice de Martin – drums, percussion
Lisa Marie Landgraf – violin
Burkhard Schlothauer – violin
Nora Krahl – violoncello
Ulrich Phillipp – double bass
When Svetlana Spajić, a traditional artist from Serbia, came up with the idea to perform Serbian songs about the Great War with zeitkratzer, one of the leading ensembles that are performing modern compositions, at the festival, I said: Yes, without hearing a single tune before. The idea to bring together traditional singers and players from Serbia with avant-garde performing group was a challenge for the artists. This carefully arranged / improvised work was a brilliant opening of the festival in 2015. That concert was supported by Goethe-Institut Belgrad. The year later concert in Berlin was recorded and released in 2017 by zeitkratezer records to whom we are grateful for the right to include this song from the album Serbian War Songs.
9. Neuroleptic trio – Furious as the May Wind, boring as the April’s rain
(Neuroleptic trio)
Pásztor Csaba – violin
Levay István – flute
Aleksandar Petrović Mechka – bass, programming
Neuroleptic trio is the band from Subotica, town on the border with Hungary, with more than 20 releases over the period of 15 years. The trio lead by Aleksandar Petrović Mechka had many different line-ups. They have constantly been developing a concept of improvisation by three musicians playing different instruments and using different techniques. Neuroleptic trio performed on the final evening of the festival in 2011.
The song is taken from their self-released EP Desperate Waiting For Spring with their permission. The same song has been released on several compilations.
10. Blank Disc – Good morning spontaneus simplicity
(Srđan Muc / Robert Rozsa)
Srđan Muc – electric guitar, objects
Robert Rozsa – electronics
This duo was formed 1997 in Zrenjanin and since then they have released more than 15 albums, as a duo or in collaboration with other improvisers, from Serbia or Europe. Both of the musicians have been longtime members of alternative rock group Rascep. Srđan and Robert played many times at the festival and as Blank Disc duo, with Rascep or with some foreign artists. Their music and artistic concept have been way ahead of time in Serbia, but for years they were praised by European improvisers. With well known guitarist / improviser Keith Rowe, they played together at the festival’s 14th edition in 2009. Srđan and Robert are also on this compilation as part of the Šalter ensemble (3).
11. Svetlana Maraš – Kamerna muzika: harmonika s elektronikom i violončelom
(Svetlana Maraš)
Performed by: Branko Džinović – accordion / Aleksandar Latković – cello
Svetlana Maraš is surely the most successful new music author from the new generation. She is playing concerts, writing compositions and creating installations. She was an artistic director at Radio Belgrade’s Electronic studio, where she established numerous programs such as artistic residencies, educational courses and most notably, restoration of EMS Synthi 100. She is now the Professor of Creative Music Technology and Co-head of Electronic Studio at Hochschule für Musik FHNW, Basel. This composition written especially for this duo was recorded at Belgrade Philharmonic Concert Hall just before pandemia fully broke out.
12. Metamorphic Orchestra – Through Hills and Valleys
(traditional / arr: Svetlana Spajić)
Svetlana Spajić – vocal
Tijana Stanković – violin, vocal
Isabelle Duthoit – clarinet, vocal
Marina Džukljev – piano
Franz Hautzinger – trumpet
Bogdan Ranković – bass clarinet, saxophone
Ervin Malina – double bass
Lav Kovač – drums
This creation has quite a story: Project Metamorphic Songs, built by Goethe-Institute Belgrad (who also supported this concert at the festival), included a network of artists and researchers and one of the outcomes was a Collection of Metamorphic Songs, presenting different instances of songs, migration through cultures, the history of their travel, the changes in their features and functions… For the festival in 2019 Svetlana Spajić, the singer and traditional artist, formed the international Metamorphic Orchestra in an attempt to add local examples of this extraordinary collection.
od strane Bojan Đorđević | 07.12.2021.
Jubilarni, 25. Ring Ring, beogradski festival nove, avangardne, eksperimentalne, impruv i fri-džez muzike, završen je 3. decembra 2021. u Studiju 6 Radio Beograda. Te večeri je nastupio berlinski trio Der Lange Schatten.
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Toliko odlaganja i neizvesnosti je prethodilo jubilarnom Ring Ring-u, koji nas već 25 godina čini ispunjenim, ponosnim, ushićenim… No, konačno dočekasmo početak festivala, a onda je tih deset festivalskih dana proletelo kao tren…
Puno se stvari ukrstilo – ovogodišnje izdanje festivala smo počeli tamo gde je Ring Ring i započeo svoj život 1996. godine – u Jevrejskoj 16, nekadašnjem REX-u, danas Jevrejskom kulturnom centru „Oneg Šabat”, nedavno otvorenom. Osećaj je i dalje magičan, prostor zrači, publika i muzičari su bili oduševljeni mogućnošću da ponovo tu nastupaju.
Članovi domaćeg Ansambla Studio6 i austrijskog Szene Instrumental feat. Irina Karamarković imali su taj važan zadatak: da osvoje scenu, usklade probe i uvuku publiku u svoje muzičke svetove.
Već sledeći koncert je bio na drugom koncertnom mestu za koje je festival vezan – Studio 6 Radio Beograda. Bila je to prva svetska premijera ove godine i nastup holandsko-američke čelistkinje Fransis-Mari Uiti, austrijske pijanistkinje Elizabet Harnik i naše harfistkinje Milane Zarić. U istoj zgradi, samo sa druge strane, malo pre koncerta je otvorena izložba fotografija „Objektivno iz Šestice” stalnog pratioca festivala Ring Ring kao i koncertnih događaja u Studiju 6 – čuvenog, neumornog el gvojosa.
Vikend je bio rezervisan za novi prostor – Drugstore, klub sa zavidnom reputacijom, naizgled daleko od centra i sigurno nov za mnoge redovne posetioce festivala. Albert Markoš je u poslednjem trenutku zamenio Fila Mintona, čiji je dolazak odložen za maj 2022.
Slobodna improvizacija ovog mađarskog čeliste sa violistom Silardom Mezeijem je bio susret starih prijatelja, koji čitaju i slede jedan drugog u zvučnom putovanju bez ozvučenja. A nakon njih je Akosh S. Trio svojom magijom učinio da zaboravimo na hladnoću. Totalni džez!
Loran Bigo je već nastupao na festivalu, 2016, a ovaj put je doneo novi set zvučnih „igračaka”, samo što su to sad bile flaše, konzerve, baloni, pruge… Zabava i uzbuđenje za 50 ljudi; više nije ni moglo stati u malu salu kluba. U velikoj sali su domaćini, duo Thark, imali svoju koncertnu premijeru. Njih je, kao i sastav koji je zatvorio to veče, dočekalo mnogo više ljudi. A veče su zaključili Kim Mir i njegov sedmočlani sastav You ǀ Me.
Četvorica gitarista i trojica bubnjara izvode Mirovu muziku, ustvari dve dugačke kompozicije, koje se lagano razvijaju, okreću i vraćaju u tišinu. Disciplina i sloboda.
Poslednje veče u klubu Drugstore (28.12), sa novim parom koncertnih uzbuđenja, otvorile su Ana Kravanja i Tijana Stanković. Dve žene, dva glasa i dve violine improvizuju, svirajući i pevajući usklađeno, čak i kad se kreću oko publike u širokim krugovima, daleko jedan od druge. Malo je nedostajalo da ovo bude potpuno slovenačko veče, jer su osim Ane, a sa izuzetkom Tijane, nastupili još neki od najznačajnijih aktera tamošnje impruv scene. Taj muški duo su činili perkusionista Zlatko Kaučič i kontrabasista Tomaž Grom. Uzbudljivo, inovativno, drugačije, kako je to već postao standard festivala.
Povratak u Jevrejski kulturni centar (29.12), doneo je previše kratak, ali zanimljiv nastup poljskog harmonikaša Zbignjeva Hojnackog, a zatim briljantan nastup berlinskog trija Jane in Ether. Nakon što su Magda Majas (klavir), Biljana Vučkova (violina, glas) i Miako Klajn (rekorde) završile svoj nastup, dugi aplauz i ushićenje su govorili dve stvari – da je publika oduševljena koncertom, ali i srećna zbog povratka u ovaj koncertni prostor.
Berlinska scena, tako značajna i bogata, već nekoliko godina je imala zanimljive predstavnike na festivalu. Ove godine, čak dva nastupa. Nakon pauze od tri dana, taman da udahnemo vazduh posle Jane in Ether i ostalih uzbuđenja, festival su, 3. decembra, sjajnim nastupom u Studiju 6 Radio Beograda zaključili Der Lange Schatten. Ovaj trio je pravi reprezent berlinske scene – muzički uzbudljivi i svi iz različitih zemalja, a vezani za Berlin.
Nakon 25. izdanja, sa sedam koncertnih večeri u deset dana i jednom izložbom, sledeći festival Ring Ring je zakazan za nešto kraći period, od 19 – 22. maja 2021. godine.